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Sven's development notes

Notes about mobile development, home assistant & other technical topics.

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Flash OpenDTU to an ESP32 Wroom

My vaccum robot decided to eat the cable of my ESP32 which was running OpenDTU and in the process the USB connector was ripped of the board. So I had to replace the ESP32 and flash and install OpenDTU. This process is documented here for my future self and others.

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Local development for Parse's Cloud Code Functions with Docker Compose

I develop a mobile application which uses Parse Platform on the backend side to store and sync data. I needed to write some custom code using Parse's Cloud Code functions and I wanted an easy local development setup for that. The result is a docker-compose config which I share in this post.

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Manual Water Meter Tracking in Home Assistant

For a long time I wanted to track my water consumption in Home Assistant. I had my eye on projects like "AI on the edge - watermeter" which allow to read out analog meters automatically. I just do not have time for another DIY project at the moment, therefore a cool new fancy solution has to wait. I wanted a simple, quick, "good enough" solution. I came up with something that is not perfect and requires manually reading the water meter, but it only took me 30 minutes to set up.


Update Prusa i3 MK3S+ firmware from OctoPi using the OctoPrint-FirmwareUpdater Plugin

Step for step instructions to update the firmware of the Prusa i3 MK3S+ using OctoPrint and the FirmwareUpdater Plugin

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Control lights in Home Assistant from within a 2D Browser Game

A friend of mine and I talked about the idea to control lights in Home Assistant from within a 2D browser game for a while. I used the bad weather over the weekend and I finally took some time to create a proof of concept.

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Use a speaker with Home Assistant on a RaspberryPi to output audio messages

For a long time I wanted to add audio to my Home Assistant Setup. My first use case is that I want Home Assistant to literally tell me when I should air my room based on the current CO2 value.


Deploy a Gridsome page using Github Actions, rclone and ftp

I use Gridsome, a static site generator, to create this blog. I wanted to automate my deployment process. My goal was that as soon as I push changes to a github repository the site is build and deployed to my webspace.

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Backup Home Assistant data to a Diskstation using rsync

How to setup rsync on a Synology Diskstation and use it to backup data from Home Assistant to the NAS.

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Power on and off Diskstation with Home Assistant

I use my Synology Diskstation mainly as a backup device. Therefore it does not need to run all the time. In the past I configured a Power schedule directly within the Diskstation. It would turn on at a certain time and power off every night. Now I wanted a smarter behaviour e.g. I would like to automatically turn on the Diskstation when I come home, so my Smartphone can backup data. Another example would be to power on the diskstation to store a Home Assistant Backup and afterwards power it off again. Also it would be nice if I could turn it off with my good night-Switch next to my bed. I achieved this by controlling the Diskstation via Home Assistant. This article describes the configuration steps, necessary for this.

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Flutter flavors and ios schemes

In my latest flutter project I needed to create different versions of my app for the different development environments. A development version which uses the development backend, a staging version which uses the staging backend and, you guessed right, a production version which uses the production servers. In Android those versions are called flavors and in iOS this can be done with schemes. But how can this be achieved within flutter? There are a few blog posts online showing how to do it. For android those tutorials worked great but for iOS in everyone of them a litte piece of information was missing and I had to play arround quite some time before I got it right. Therefore follows my step-for-step guide for configuring flavors in flutter for iOS.
